
Welcome to the news and diary dates section of the Correx website. Here you will find all the latest articles relating to both the ICATS scheme and the activities of Correx Ltd.

CITB, Construction Industry Training

We have been working towards becoming a CITB, Construction Industry Training Board, Approved Training Organisation. This has now happened. Courses listed include: Protective coatings applicator Industrial coatings paint spraying Abrasive blast cleaning Industrial...

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Apprenticeship – End Point Assessment (EPA)

The Industrial Coating Applicator Apprenticeship 2020/21 concluded in June 2021 with their EPA at the Jack Tighe Foxs Hills facility in Scunthorpe. Each of the 7 Apprentices completed a formal professional interview in the morning and a practical examination in the...

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9 Year Review and Update Assessments

We are continuing the 9 year review and update assessments which all applicators that have been registered for 9 years will be required to undertake. The assessment will be carried out by Trainers and for most people this will be your own Company Trainer.

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CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) updated

In a previous message I spoke about our connection with CSCS, Construction Skills Certification Scheme and that the system is changing. Over the last 12 months CSCS have been gathering information for our industry and many others, this has been called, and still is,...

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Supervisor Course

  The supervisor course is currently being held on a remote/online basis due to Covid 19. Please contact Corrosion House for details. The application form can be downloaded by clicking here or by calling the Correx office on 01604 438222. Spaces will be limited...

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The Institute of Corrosion document which defines the requirements for the operation of the ICATS scheme is called the Req Doc and the latest version, 16th edition October 2020 has just been approved. Management and Trainers of registered companies should be familiar...

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Industrial Coatings Applicator Apprenticeship scheme

Apprenticeships are work-based programmes which involve training whilst working for an employer. An apprentice works at their employer’s premises, gaining practical experience and skills while working towards completing an apprenticeship which is relevant to their...

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ICATS Trainer Seminars

Due to Covid 19 we are unable to carry out any trainer seminars. We will be creating remote/online trainer seminars during 2021.

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